"Instead of saying 'how old are you?'
people should say 'how long have you lived?'
Diane Von Furstenberg
This so resonated with me! I heard this on "Wiser Than Me" the podcast by Julia Louis Dreyfus that was mentioned prior. From now on that's what I'll ask... "How long have you LIVED?"
Not, " How old are you?".
Well, on November 7th, I have lived 63 years! Wow.
Honestly, I've had my moments, but at the end of the day I feel pretty good about who I am, what I do, and why I'm here. Obviously, grateful for the paths I've chosen, my husband and daughters, family and the friends in my life. Last, but not least being able to experience another trip around this beautiful sun.
Prep Your Wardrobe: As the countdown begins to the holidays we are in full prep mode over here for Thanksgiving. Hosting gatherings in our home and party season. Now is the time to do a quick "Closet Edit " and start planning outfits for expected gatherings. I did this last weekend and styled outfits from my closet, made a pile for donations and a pile for consignment. I then made a list of the few pieces I felt I was missing to complete my outfits. I've got two spots available this month if you need help with this. It will relieve you of so much stress having this taken care of. Let's chat!
Prep The House: It's been a year now since we started a little updating on our downstairs living/dining room areas and it's finally coming to completion as the last bit of furniture should arrive next week. Fingers crossed. That certainly has been all encompassing! Thankfully I've been working with Lori Manthei Design who has helped us bring it all to fruition. We'll be sharing bits and pieces over on Instagram. I will be so happy to welcome you into my home for the Holiday Show in December!
Having said all that I would love to celebrate my birthday with you!
A special code for 20% off your order
through Sunday November 12th!
+ for all subscribers I'll include a special gift chosen especially for you! Xo
One Last Thing Ask Zoé The editors of Best Life Magazine asked me to give my expert styling tips for dressing a larger bust. Do you know what they are? Read it HERE
Listening To: My entire life I've been a huge Barbra Streisand fan. In fact my teachers in grade school used to call me Barbra because they thought I looked so much like her! One of my go to podcasts is NPR's Terri Gross and she has THE Barbra interview. Listen to it HERE
Reading This Month: "My Name Is Barbara" now I have to read this!! Yes, the long awaited memoir by Barbra Streisand! She said it took her 10 years to write and at 900 pages I hope it doesn't take me that long to read. Find it HERE
Note: Some links may generate a small commission for my business. It does not in any way affect how or what I choose to suggest or share with you. Thank you for your continued support in my design and styling journey!
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